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Contact days

Contact days are for parents of children covered by the Act regarding Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS). The days are intended to be used by the parents to gain knowledge about how to support their child. You can receive compensation for a maximum of 10 contact days per child and year.

Can I receive compensation for contact days?

You can receive compensation for contact days if you

  • have a child up to the age of 16 who is covered by LSS
  • have a sickness benefit qualifying income (SGI)
  • refrain from working or cannot receive unemployment benefit
  • are insured in Sweden.

When can I receive compensation for contact days?

You can utilise contact days when you must

  • participate in parent education (e.g. courses arranged by a disability organisation)
  • visit the child's preschool or school
  • participate in an activity arranged by the school.

The child does not have to participate (e.g. in a school visit or courses) in order for you to receive compensation.

Both parents can receive compensation for the same child and time.

How do I apply?

You apply in the same way as when caring for a sick child but you tick the box to indicate that you are applying for compensation for contact days.

1. Apply

Once you are back at work or begin to seek work again, you must apply for compensation.

2. Disbursement

Information about when you receive your payments:

Utbetalningsdatum och handläggningstider (in Swedish) External link.

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