If you are pregnant you can receive pregnancy benefit if there are risks in your work environment. Your employer is responsible for your work environment. This means that, in accordance with laws and regulations (arbetsmiljölagen 1977:1160 and Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter AFS 2007:5), your employer has to carry out a risk assessment. This is something that an employer always must do if an employee is pregnant.
The corona virus SARS-CoV-2 has been classified as a risk class 3 contagion. The National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) has assessed the consequences of catching covid‑19 during pregnancy. There is a higher risk of giving birth prematurely if a person in the later stages of pregnancy falls ill with covid-19.
Your employer can stop you from working if there are risks in your work environment. If your employer is unable to relocate you to a safer environment, for example working from home, you can apply for pregnancy benefit. You can receive pregnancy benefit until the 11th day before your estimated due date.
Pregnancy benefit
You can begin taking out parental benefit 60 days before your estimated due date.
Parental benefit before the child is born